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25 November 2014

ஆய கலைகள் 64

ஒரு சுவாரசியமான லிஸ்ட் – ஆயகலைகள் அறுபத்துநான்கு

by மேல் திசெம்பர் 12, 2012

சித்தர்கள் வகுத்த ஆயகலைகள் அறுபத்துநான்கில் பிற உயிர்கள் பேசும் மொழியை அறிய வேண்டும் (#44) எல்லாம் இருக்கிறது, மனிதர்கள் பேசும் வேறு மொழிகளை அறிய வேண்டும் என்று இல்லை. :-) இன்றைக்கு நமக்கு முக்கியமாகத் தெரியும் இயற்பியல், வேதியியல் (physics & chemistry) எதையும் காணோம். ரசாயனம் என்று இருக்கும் என்று நினைத்தேன், ரசவாதம்தான் (#42) இருக்கிறது. காமநூல், மயக்குநூல், வசியம், கவர்ச்சி என்று நான்கு இருக்கிறது. கலுழம் (#47), மகிழுறுத்தம் (#45) என்றால் என்ன என்று தெரியவில்லை. வருவ போல் கலுழன் மேல் வந்து தோன்றினான் என்று கருடன் மேல் வந்த விஷ்ணுவைப் பற்றி கம்பர் பாடி இருக்கிறார், ஆனால் கலுழத்துக்கும் கலுழனுக்கும் ஏதாவது சம்பந்தம் உண்டா என்று தெரியவில்லை.
  1. எழுத்திலக்கணம் (அக்கரவிலக்கணம்)
  2. எழுத்தாற்றல் (லிகிதம்)
  3. கணிதம்
  4. மறைநூல் (வேதம்)
  5. தொன்மம் (புராணம்)
  6. இலக்கணம் (வியாகரணம்)
  7. நயனூல் (நீதி சாஸ்திரம்)
  8. கணியம் (சோதிட சாஸ்திரம்)
  9. அறநூல் (தர்ம சாஸ்திரம்)
  10. ஓகநூல் (யோக சாஸ்திரம்)
  11. மந்திர நூல் (மந்திர சாஸ்திரம்)
  12. நிமித்திக நூல் (சகுன சாஸ்திரம்)
  13. கம்மிய நூல் (சிற்ப சாஸ்திரம்)
  14. மருத்துவ நூல் (வைத்திய சாஸ்திரம்)
  15. உறுப்பமைவு நூல் (உருவ சாஸ்திரம்)
  16. மறவனப்பு (இதிகாசம்)
  17. வனப்பு
  18. அணிநூல் (அலங்காரம்)
  19. மதுரமொழிவு (மதுர பாஷணம்)
  20. நாடகம்
  21. நடம்
  22. ஒலிநுட்ப அறிவு (சத்தப் பிரமம்)
  23. யாழ் (வீணை)
  24. குழல்
  25. மதங்கம் (மிருதங்கம்)
  26. தாளம்
  27. விற்பயிற்சி (அஸ்திர வித்தை)
  28. பொன் நோட்டம் (கனக பரீட்சை)
  29. தேர்ப் பயிற்சி (ரத பரீட்சை)
  30. யானையேற்றம் (கஜ பரீட்சை)
  31. குதிரையேற்றம் (அஸ்வ பரீட்சை)
  32. மணிநோட்டம் (ரத்தின பரீட்சை)
  33. நிலத்து நூல்/மண்ணியல் (பூமி பரீட்சை)
  34. போர்ப்பயிற்சி (சங்கிராம இலக்கணம்)
  35. மல்லம் (மல்ல யுத்தம்)
  36. கவர்ச்சி (ஆகர்ஷணம்)
  37. ஓட்டுகை (உச்சாடனம்)
  38. நட்புப் பிரிப்பு (வித்துவேஷணம்)
  39. காமநூல் (மதன சாஸ்திரம்)
  40. மயக்குநூல் (மோகனம்)
  41. வசியம் (வசீகரணம்)
  42. இதளியம் (ரசவாதம்)
  43. இன்னிசைப் பயிற்சி (காந்தர்வ வாதம்)
  44. பிறவுயிர் மொழியறிகை (பைபீல வாதம்)
  45. மகிழுறுத்தம் (கவுத்துக வாதம்)
  46. நாடிப்பயிற்சி (தாது வாதம்)
  47. கலுழம் (காருடம்)
  48. இழப்பறிகை (நஷ்டம்)
  49. மறைத்ததையறிதல் (முஷ்டி)
  50. வான்புகவு (ஆகாயப் பிரவேசம்)
  51. வான்செலவு (ஆகாய கமனம்)
  52. கூடுவிட்டுக் கூடுபாய்தல் (பரகாயப் பிரவேசம்)
  53. தன்னுருக் கரத்தல் (அதிருசியம்)
  54. மாயச்செய்கை (இந்திர ஜாலம்)
  55. பெருமாயச்செய்கை (மகேந்திர ஜாலம்)
  56. அழற்கட்டு (அக்கினி ஸ்தம்பனம்)
  57. நீர்க்கட்டு (ஜல ஸ்தம்பனம்)
  58. வளிக்கட்டு (வாயு ஸ்தம்பனம்)
  59. கண்கட்டு (திருஷ்டி ஸ்தம்பனம்)
  60. நாவுக்கட்டு (வாக்கு ஸ்தம்பனம்)
  61. விந்துக்கட்டு (சுக்கில ஸ்தம்பனம்)
  62. புதையற்கட்டு (கனன ஸ்தம்பனம்)
  63. வாட்கட்டு (கட்க ஸ்தம்பனம்)
  64. சூனியம் (அவத்தைப் பிரயோகம்)ஆய கலைகள் 64

சுக்கிர நீதி சொல்லும் ஆயகலைகள் அறுபத்து நான்கும்

1.ஆடல் 2.இசைக் கருவி மீட்டல் 3.ஒப்பனை செய்தல் 4.சிற்பம் வடித்தல் 5.பூத்தொடுத்தல் 6.சூதாடல் 7.சுரதம் அறிதல் 8.தேனும் கள்ளும் சேகரித்தல் 9.நரம்பு மருத்துவம் 10.சமைத்தல் 11.கனி உற்பத்தி செய்தல் 12.கல்லும் பொன்னும் பிளத்தல் 13.கரும்புச் சாற்றில் வெல்லம் எடுத்தல் 14.உலோகங்களில் மூலிகை கலத்தல் 15.கலவை உலோகம் பிரித்தல் 16.உலோகக் கலவை ஆராய்ந்து அறிதல் 17.உப்பு உண்டாக்குதல் 18.வாள் எறிதல் 19.மற்போர் புரிதல் 20.அம்பு தொடுத்தல் 21.படை அணிவகுத்தல் 22.முப்படைகளை முறைப்படுத்தல் 23.தெய்வங்களை மகிழ்வித்தல் 24.தேரோட்டல் 25.மட்கலம் செய்தல் 26.மரக்கலம் செய்தல் 27.பொற்கலம் செய்தல் 28. வெள்ளிக்கலம் செய்தல் 29. ஓவியம் வரைதல் 30. நிலச் சமன் செய்தல் 31.காலக் கருவி செய்தல் 32.ஆடைக்கு நிறமூட்டல் 33.எந்திரம் இயற்றல் 34.தோணி கட்டல் 35.நூல் நூற்றல் 36.ஆடை நெய்தல் 37. சாணை பிடித்தல் 38. பொன்னின் மாற்று அறிதல் 39.செயற்கைப் பொன் செய்தல் 40.பொன்னாபரணம் செய்தல் 41.பொன் முலாமிடுதல் 42.தோல் பதனிடுதல் 43.மிருகத் தோல் உரித்தல் 44.பால் கறந்து நெய்யுருக்கல் 45.தையல் 46.நீச்சல் 47. இல்லத் தூய்மையுறுத்தல் 48.துவைத்தல் 49.மயிர் களைதல் 50.எள்ளில் இறைச்சியில் நெய்யெடுத்தல் 51.உழுதல் 52.மரம் ஏறுதல் 53.பணிவிடை செய்தல் 54. மூங்கில் முடைதல் 55.பாத்திரம் வார்த்தல் 56.நீர் கொணர்தல் நீர் தெளித்தல் 57.இரும்பாயுதம் செய்தல் 58.மிருக வாகனங்களுக்குத் தவிசு அமைத்தல் 59.குழந்தை வளர்ப்பு 60. தவறினைத் தண்டித் தல் 61.பிறமொழி எழுத்தறிவு பெறுதல் 62.வெற்றிலை பாக்கு சித்தப்படுத்தல் 63.மேற்கூறிய கலைகளை உள்வாங்கும் விரைவு 64.வெளிப்படுத்தும் நிதானம்.

சுக்கிர நீதி சொல்லும் ஆயகலைகள் அறுபத்து நான்கும் இவைதாம்.
இவற்றுள் 7-ஆம் கலை அறிவேன். 49-ஆம் கலையில் பாதிசெய்வேன். 51-ஆம் கலை செய்திருக்கிறேன்.
இதை வாசிக்கும் ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் என்னைவிடச் சில கலைகள் அதிகம் தெரிந்திருக்கும் என்றே நம்புகிறேன்.”
வைரமுத்து விகடனில் கூறியது. இரண்டிற்கும் சமந்தமே இல்லாதது போல உள்ளதே. அப்போது சந்தேகம் வந்தது. நீர் கொணர்தல் எல்லாம் ஒரு கலையா என்று நினைத்தேன், பரவாயில்லை நமக்கு ஒன்றிரண்டாவது அறைகுறையாகவாவது தெரிந்துள்ளதே என்று நினைத்தேன்.

    இதோ இன்னொரு பட்டியல்.

    1. பாடல் கீதம்- Song
    2. இன்னியம் வாத்யம்- Music Instruments
    3. நடம் நிருத்யம்- Dance
    4. ஓவியம் சித்ரம் -Drawing Instruments
    5. இலைப் பொட்டுக் கத்தரிக்கை பத்ர திலகம்- Art of leaf-cutting design
    6. அரிசிப் பூக்கோலம் — Art of rice-powder drawing
    7. பூமளியமைக்கை — —
    8. ஆடையுடைப் பற்களுக்கு வண்ணமமைக்கை — Art of colouring for cloths
    9. பள்ளியறை/குடிப்பறையில் மணிபதிக்கை — Art of embedding gems in bedrooms
    10. படுக்கையமைக்கை மஞ்சம்- Art of bed-making
    11. நீர்க்கிண்ண இசை ஜலதரங்கம்- Art of making music with watter-filled cups
    12. நீர்வாரியடிக்கை — Art of water-sparying
    13. உள்வரி வேடங்கொள்கை- Art of Camaflage
    14. மாலை தொடுக்கை — Art of making garlands
    15. மாலையணிகை — Art of wearing Garlands
    16. ஆடையணி சுவடிக்கை — Art of make-up with clothes
    17. சங்கினால் காதணி — Art of making ear-rings with shells
    18. விரை கூட்டுகை — —
    19. அணிகலன் புனைகை — Art of self make-up
    20. மாயஞ் செய்தல் இந்திர ஜாலம் -Art of magic
    21. குசுமாரரின் காமநூல்நெறி கௌசுமாரம்- Kousumar’s art of kamasutra
    22. கைவிரைவு ஹஸ்த லாவகம்- Speedy hands
    23. மடைநூல் பாக சாத்திரம்- Art of cooking
    24. தையல் வேலை — Art of Stiching.
    25. நூலால் வேடிக்கை — Art of magic with strands
    26. வீணையுடுக்கைப் பயிற்சி வீணை டமருகப் பயிற்சி- Art of handling Veena Instrument
    27. விடுகதை ப்ரேளிகை- Art of Riddling
    28. ஈற்றெழுத்துப் பாப்பாடுகை அந்தாக்ஷரி- Art of Play Singing(last words)
    29. நெட்டுரு சொற்றொடர் — Art of playing with words
    30. சுவைதோன்ற பண்ணுடன் வாசிக்கை — Reading with music rythm
    31. நாடக உரைநடை வசனம்- Prose
    32. குறித்தபடி பாடுகை ஸமஸ்யா பூரணம்- To sing from the word given
    33. பிரம்பால் பின்னுதல் — Art of Caning chair objects
    34. கதிரில் நூல் சுற்றுகை — Art of hand-spinning
    35. மரவேலை — Carpentry
    36. மனை நூல் வாஸ்து சாத்திரம்- Art of house construction
    37. காசு, மணி நோட்டம் கனக,ரத்ன பரிட்சை- Gemology
    38. நாடிப் பயிற்சி தாது வாதம்- Human Pulse reading
    39. மணிக்கு நிறங்கூட்டுகை -மணியிடமறிதல் — Gemology/geology
    40. தோட்டக் கலை — Horticulture
    41. தகர்ப்போர்/சேவற்போர் – விலங்கின விளையாட்டு — Cock/Bull fights
    42. கிளிப் பேச்சு பயிற்றுவிக்கை — Art of teaching parrots
    43. உடம்பு பிடிக்கை/எண்ணை தேய்க்கை — Art of ordinary/oil massage
    44. குழூவுக்குறி சங்கேதாக்ஷரங்களமத்து பேசுகை- Cryptography
    45. மருமமொழி ரஹஸ்ய பாஷை- Code wording
    46. நாட்டுமொழியறிவு தெசபாஷையுணர்வு- Linguistics
    47. பூத்தேர் அமைக்கை புஷ்பரதம்- Decorating Chariat with flowers
    48. முற்குறியமைக்கை நிமித்தம்- Observing Superstitions
    49. பொறியமைக்கை — Making of traps
    50. ஒருகாலிற் கொள்கை ஏகசந்தக்ராகித்வம்- With one leg
    51. இருகாலிற் கொள்கை துவிசந்தக்ராகித்வம்- With two legs
    52. பிதிர்ப்பா விடுக்கை — Singing about fore-fathers
    53. வனப்பியற்றல் காவ்யம் Writing Story songs
    54. உரிச்சொல்லறிவு நிகண்டுணர்ச்சி- Idiams and Phrases
    55. யாப்பறிவு — Writing poems
    56. அணியறிவு அலங்காரம்- Sense of dressing
    57. மாயக்கலை ஜாலவித்தை- Art of Magic
    58. ஆடையணி திறன் உடுத்தற் சாமர்த்யம்- Sense of dresses
    59. சூதாட்டம் — Gambling
    60. சொக்கட்டான் கவறாட்டம் முதலியவை- Gambling with dice
    61. பாவை, பந்து வைத்தாடுதல் — Playing with dolls / balls
    62. யானை/குதிரையேற்றம் கஜ/துரக வாகனாதிகள்- Art of riding horse/elephant
    63. படைக்கலப் பயிற்சி — Armed Combat
    64. உடற் பயிற்சி தேகச் சதுர் Physical Exercise
    இன்னும் பல பட்டியல்கள் இருக்கக்கூடும்.

09 November 2014

Birth stars - constellations

Vedic Astrology

Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2012

Birth Stars ( Constellations)

The Ecliptic is tenanted by 27 constellations, each one of them spread over an arc of 13 degrees 20 minutes.

The Limbs of the Sidereal Zodiac

Name of Constellation        Deg Min      Deg Min

1. Beta Arietis ( Aswini )     00 00         13 20 
2. 41 Arietis ( Bharani )       13 20         26 40
3. Eta Tauri ( Karthika )       26 40         40 00
4. Alpha Tauri ( Rohini )       40 00         53 20
5. Lamda Orionis (Mrigasira)53 20         66 40
6. Alpha Orionis ( Aridra )    66 40        80 00
7. Beta Geminorum ( Punarvasu ) 80 00         93 20
8. Delta Cancri ( Pushya )     93 20         106 40
9. Alpha Cancri ( Aslesha )    106 40        120 00 
10. Alpha Leonis ( Magha )   120 00        133 20
11. Delta Leonis ( Pubba )     133 20        146 40 
12. Beta Leonis ( Uttara )      146 40        160 00
13. Delta Corvi ( Hasta )       160 00         173 20 
14. Alpha Virginis ( Chitra )   173 20         186 40
15. Alpha Bootis ( Chothi )    186 40         200 00 
16. Beta Librae ( Vishakam)  200 00         213 20
17. Delta Scorpi ( Anuradha) 213 20         226 40 
18. Alpha Scorpi ( Jyeshta )   226 40         240 00 
19. Lamda Scorpi ( Moola )  240 00         253 20 
20. Delta Sagittari(Poorvashad) 253 20         266 40 
21. Delta Sagittari(Uthrashad ) 266 40         280 00 
22. Alpha Aquilae ( Sravana )  280 00         293 20 
23. Alpha Delphini( Dhanishta) 293 20         306 40
24. Lamda Aquari ( Satabhisha)306 40         320 00 
25. Alpha Pegasi( Poorvabhadra) 320 00         333 20 
26. Alpha Andromeda(Uttrarabhadra) 333 20     346 40 
27. Zeta Piscium ( Revathi)      346 40        360 00

The Effects of being born in the 27 Constellations

Birth Constellation is the constellation where the Moon is posited in your sidereal horoscope.

The Birth Constellation is all critical because it policies your destiny. 
The KP Process of Sidereal Astrology lays prime emphasis about the Birth Constellation fibromyalgia study. 
Here we give the results of currently being born under various constellations. 

Beta Arietis : Ashwini - Aswathy

Ashwini borns are self made guys although they get support usually from other
 people. They may be opposed by their relatives. Devotion on the Almighty,
 superior awareness ,wisdom , significant IQ, higher MQ are expected.
 Their life might be plagued by difficulties and sometimes they that have been
an adept in budget setting up come across it difficult to economise.
They always think concerning the advantages and disadvantages ahead of taking
a choice Even their spouse will not be capable of modify them if one time they make
 your mind up. Good sense of responsibility they exude. They locate it distinct to
 maintain everything neat and clean. Prosperous everyday life with wife barring small rifts.
There're powerful with satisfying manners. They derive pleasure from kids.
Their administrative skill surfaces but their tolerance stage is very low.
They've deep sympathy for folks. They are tormented by unnecessary concerns from
boyhood. Watch out for these disorders
- Damage from the head - concussion within the brain- thrombosis- nose-bleed- fainting- epilepsy - dizziness- neuralgia -insomnia- meningitis- intestinal
and stomach troubles. Nature - Avaricious- extravagant- dispute with brothers - fond of ornaments -
 two wives - services in factory or govt departments.

Gemstone - Wearing Cat's Eye can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.

41 Arietis : BharaniBharani borns are large principled even from boyhood. Expertise comes to them immediately.They are great at examination and their understanding is deep. They know a great deal of topics & their intellect
can pierce all. They're pacifists and do not want to create difficulties for other folks. But still they will be
wounded in love and many disappointing experiences manifest. They believe that duty is divine and will do well with the professional sphere. Hindrances and obstacles often come in their way and they obtain it tough to act against their conscience. 
They might not be popular as they will not go out from the way to please persons. They obtain it
tough to adjust towards the tastes and requirements of others. They will not get dispirited and dejected with the face of adversity. This becomes a major factor for their success. Resilience after all is the major attribute. This attitude causes concerns as well. They become short tempered as a result of poor tolerance. At the same time they are forgiving.

Beware of these diseases - Brain troubles- headache - meningitis insomnia high fevers.

Nature - Aspiring - amourous - fond of sports - amusements - show display - judge - lawyer.

Gemstone - Wearing Diamond can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.

Eta Tauri : Krittika - Karthika
They will excel abroad and they undergo different types of experience. They're capable of all sorts oftricky action. They've a higher perception of accountability. They will probably be reputed for their skill in competitions and debates.
They will not likely go against morality and Ethics but at the same time will enjoy and love pleasure. They
will worry an individual problem after another. They will enjoy prosperous daily life with their better half. They will lack peace of mind. They are lucky to have a broadminded wife. They will come up steady in existence and it is upto them to work hard and make existence happier. They will have to face due share or challenges on account of young children. Existence will probably be better during the second half. They are forewarned against dental difficulties. They can be proud of their achievements and can ignore their shortcomings.

Beware of these diseases - Fevers - meningitis- brain troubles - throat troubles -nose-bleed - quinsey - gout- pimples

Nature - Good health - energetic - argumentative - popular & prosperous attraction to others' wives.

Gemstone - Putting on Ruby canfortify the birth constellational lord which will make them additional lucky.

Alpha Tauri : Rohini - Rohini

They trust men and women too much which tendency is not excellent in a fraudulent world. They may be capable of overcoming any problem but they are never systematic. They've to be careful about trusting men in business deals. They cool off fast enough although they are systematic. There're pleased easily. They usually do not any financial considering. They could have to face scandals. They will earn the love and affection of their family members. Better period turns out to be the middle and second half. They don't get the same pleasure from youngsters. They will spend for decorative items for their better half. They are weak-minded in certain areas and the levels of tolerance and patience are reduced. They can be capable
of finding faults with other people but there're harmless. Urinary issues / issues connected with lungs possible. They have toincorporate patience & perseverance.

Nature- Great nature - pleasant manners - fond of music art & literature-enjoys the company of opposite sex - sweet tongued - flamboyant - many sons.

Beware of these diseases - Sore Throat - cough & cold eye-troubles ailments of legs and feet - apoplexy - menstrual trouble.

Gemstone - Wearing Moonstone can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.

Lamda Orionis : Makiryam - Mrigasira
Humility will bethe best credential for success in lifestyle and they carry out this principle on the very end. The second half of their daily life span will probably be very comfortable . They will have professional reputation and enhancement. Pivotal role will be played by mother in their daily life and progress. They do not blindly believe anybody even if they respect and listen to other's opinions. A principled everyday living appeals to you. They will have somebody to direct and control with the early period so that the path chosen becomes the correct a single. They've got to understand that the real cause of progress is their existence partner. Mental strength is wanting and becomes upset by triflings. They believe that cleanliness is next to godliness. Belly problems must be kept below control. Their ego becomes a problem creator. They
should curb the tendency to gossip.

Watch out for these disorders - Throat troubles- adenoids - fevers- nose-bleed - goitre - polypus - arms fracture - disorders of secret parts gout.

Nature - Unhappy conjugal life - quick witted - fluent - magnetic -industrious and wealthy danger of accidents.

Gemstone - Wearing Coral can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.

Alpha Orionis : Thiruvathira - Aridra

A researchmind and the power to concentrate on extra than an individual thing at a time are some in the qualities bequethed by this nodal constellation . They shine in public activities. They can be cooperative and impartial. Their sincerity and honesty will pay good dividends with the long run. For their travel and staying in faraway places are favourable. They normally perform far below their potential . The enemy and the hindrance for that is that these are unable to please other individuals at any cost or bow in front of other folks. They feel that the satisfaction derived from their better half is below expected standards. Rifts with wife in family lifestyle even though lifestyle becomes peaceful and pleasant.
Pleasure from youngsters also becomes scarce. Medical attention is needed for blood and reproductive technique. They progress well in knowledge and the gain of knowledge. They've got innate power to speculate and achieve success in speculation.

Watchout for these illnesses - Throat troubles- mumps- gout- ear troubles- red eyes - urinary troubles. Nature - Active -fond of company of other's wives - danger of accidents.

Gemstone - Wearing Hessonite can fortify thebirth constellational lord which will make them a lot more fortunate.

 Beta Geminorum : - Punarvasu - Punartham

 They often rebel against anything unfair and untrue as they're a born gentlemen. They believe in fair play. Skill and luck combine to make them perfect artists. They tend to follow the philosophic path and give priority to respect and acceptance. Despite fiscal progress discord is rampant inside the family atmosphere. They can be easily pleased and irritated. They've got to be careful about their words and speech. Health is great but there is an element of fear lurking around. They may be plagued by difficulties from children. They enjoy all the modern facilities of life. As there're born in a Jupiterian constellation there is Divine Grace and innate philosophical qualities. Jupiter gives wisdom and comfort and above all mental peace and
a perception of fulfillment. Lord Rama was born in their star and all the qualities he had - viz the
will to sacrifice patience purity and perseverance - they will have.

Watch out for these conditions -Pleurisy - bronchitis - dropsy - abdomen troubles - dyspepsia - lung troubles - headache - pains with the body eye troubles.

Nature - Sharp intellect- good memory - honest - sincere - reliable fond of business afraid of girls.

Gemstone - Wearing Yellow Sapphire can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.

Delta Cancri : Pushya Pooyam

They can be skilled and efficient. In some cases they work without any sense ofpurpose and some projects usually do not meet with success. They constantly are away from their place of domicile. They derive pleasure from travelling. They might not get much parental property. They become self produced guys and achieve necessary prosperity.
Normally they really don't get domestic joy. These are forewarned about choosing friends. They might be misunderstood and they will misunderstand their spouse as well. They may be entertaining conversationalists and they can become the life of your party. They weak limb would be the lungs. They've to exercise ceaseless vigilance not to jump into new ventures on their whims and fancies. They've a penchant for getting into troubled situations. They've large standards in cleanliness and dress. As these are born in a saturnine constellation they become melancholic as they reach reality levels.

Beware of these diseases - Consumption- gastric ulcer- respiratory troubles- gallstones- obstruction in the bowels- jaundice- eczema pyorhea.

Nature - Prudent- economical- sober- careful- attentive- troubles through children.

Gemstone - Putting onBlue Sapphire can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them extra fortunate.

 Alpha Cancri : Ayilyam -Aslesha

They are usually looked at by suspicion even if they don't cheat many others. They mightget poor camaraderie from spouse as well as pleasure from her. All that they create by hard work is not
enjoyed by them. Might be their young children become the beneficiaries . The events that envisaged unpleasant circumstance can be forgotten as there're adepts in diverting the mind to pleasurable areas . They believe that economy is prudence and individuals may possibly call them a miser. At the same time they show lavishness in many other areas.
They tend to lose balance of mind when angry and tend to forget the environment as well. On certain occasions there're cool and composed. Issues are created by lack of diplomacy. They've got indomitable will-power and strength of mind. Their enemies get annihilated but they can create much damage. Watch out for these health conditions - Abdomen ailments - disorders of legs & knees -hysteria- dropsy -jaundice - neurosis.
Nature - Harsh speech - witty - versatile - can imitate other individuals - finding fault with others - jealous - clever.                                                                                                                                            Gemstone - Putting on Emerald can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them a lot more fortunate.
Alpha Leonis : Makam
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       They are quite knowledgeable and cool and altruistic and beneficial. They are ready to sacrifice for other folks which earns them many friends as well as enemies.Their foresight is excellent and conscientious they're. High-principled and noble hearted. They're selfsufficient and their way of doing things their own way arouses envy. There're much bothered about their race and people. They may be fated to face challenges regarding youngsters. Their strange personality leaves its mark on all. There're born in a nodal constellation and this makes them wise and Moksha oriented. They might get sudden flashes of intuition regarding the actuality of things. They might be plagued by relatives and friends who rob them much of their time.

Beware of these diseases - Heart troubles - backache- gravel in kidneys fainting - spinal meningitis.

Nature - Defensive - forceful - proud - unhappy conjugal life.

Gemstone - Wearing Cat's Eye canfortify the birth constellational lord which will make them more privileged.
Delta Leonis : PooramTheir straightforwardness creates enemies. They might not get the full degree of progress or the full fruition of their deeds but they won't be considered as a failure. Their aesthetic feeling arouses the envy of many. They prefer a peaceful daily life without much show and power. They may be noble in all dealings and they will earn the title of a decent gentleman in society. They are destined to succeed in all that they do. Since these are not diplomatic and really don't go out of the way to please persons they might be confronted by many troubles and obstacles. They've a big circle of friends as these are sincere and honest. Some folks consider them egotistic & overconfident. They may have gas trouble & abdomen related issues. A happy successful everyday living is indicated. Marital everyday life is superior although there can be rifts within the lute.     Their love of material comforts & friends surpasses everything.

Beware of these diseases - Heart troubles - diseases of legs and ankles - BP - gout - lumbago- sciatica operation.

Nature - Generous - honest - cautious- fond of sweets -over sexy fond of company of other's wives- fond of eating

Gemstone - Wearing Diamondcan fortify the birth constellational lord which will make them much more privileged.                                                                                                                                             

Beta Leonis : Uthram
They can be self manufactured adult males blessed by many versatile qualities. These are considered lucky. They cannot curb expenditure and this takes a heavy toll of their purse. They can be hedonists and pleasure seeking is their pastime. Decency and sincerity form part of their persona. There're beneficial at heart and this earns many friends & enemies. Their levels of patience and tolerance are very minimal. When they get angry they lose control and forget the environment. After the spasm is more than they become repentant. They are prepared to aid without caring a hoot about self. Their hardwork makes them workaholics
and all difficulties which they encounter are overcome by patience. They will not at all like criticism while it is
constructive. They meet all their targets in existence. There're born in a solar constellation and become endowed with all the solar qualities like magnanimity, nobility & spirituality.

Nature - First child daughter - tactful - mother longlived- separation from youngsters in old age - much more than one wife-loss of money through women.                                                                                               

Beware of these diseases - Intestinal and bowel disorders - sore throat - gout.

Gemstone - Wearing Ruby can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.

Delta Corvi : AthamThey encounter occasional failures and they become melancholic as a result. Powerful hindrances appear in their path to success and they come back again into their shell. Their lack of diplomacy earns many enemies. This is a serious obstacle to their success. There're burdened by many responsibilities and complications & their financial progress is affected. Despite many rifts within the lute marital everyday living reaches joy stage. They love regality and refuse to do any menial work. They're burdened with many responsibilities and complications which affects their financial progress. Life is pleasant to them. There're forewarned about falling into relations which may possibly create scandals and thereby earn the displeasure of their partner. They become lucky after marriage. Challenges regarding their better half are likely. Sudden adverse results appear to the path to progress regressing their forward movement.

Beware of these disorders - Stomach troubles - Vit B deficiency eye- troubles - gout - worms - diarrhoea
- dysentry - neuralgia - jaundice -skin troubles.

Nature - Magician - astrologer - industrious - prudent- thievish.                                                       Gemstone - Putting on Moonstone can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them extra privileged.

 Alpha Virginis : ChithraTheir courage earns good laurels & They can face any sorf of crisis Their abnormal skill makes them uncontrollable. They're quite stern & with tremendous will-power but may possibly appear as affable & accomodative. In fact they do not care for even the advice of their better half. This generates enmity and opposition. There're ready todo anything for all those whom they love. They tend to be too independent which can become a negative trait below certain circumstances. They've to incorporate the spirit of interdependence. They can be born in a martian constellation and all the martial qualities like courage liberal outlook and charitable nature are inherent in them. Their fortitude while in the face of adversity is amazing. They can be ready to do any hard work and tend to become workaholics. These are adventurous and dashing. They will do well in speculation and trade.                                                                               Watch out for these diseases - Bowel disorders -worms - fevers - wounds from animals - skin troubles. Nature - Fond of drinking - bold & courageous -troubles through first son - quarrelsome.
Gemstone - Wearing Red Coral can fortify the birth constellational lordand this will make them much more privileged.                                                                                                                                           
Alpha Bootis : Chothi - Swathi
                                                                                                                                                             They are born in a nodal constellation ruled by the North Node, Rahu. They are skilled and specially talented. They cannot tolerate any kind of criticism although it is constructive. They will likely be unkind towards their critics . They create extra enemies with their bold and uncompromising approach. They will uncover it tricky to work under anybody as ego difficulties surface. They don't go out with the way to please men and women. They will not give respect easily. Scandals and blames rise as their adamant and recalcitrant behavior is known to society. They've more enemies than friends . There're fond of individuals that love
you. Their solid will-power and sangfroid are helpful in many areas. They've to guard yourself against belly difficulties. They have to make special efforts to make your domestic lifestyle happy and healthy. Their everyday life will be subject matter to dire vicissitudes and they've got to turn to prayer and meditation for getting mental peace.

Beware of these diseases -Urinary troubles - eczema -skin troubles - leprosy - toothache.

Nature - Loose temper - fond of luxuries - extravagant - troubles through children - clever in speech.

Gemstone - Wearing Hessonite can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.

Beta Librae : Visakham

They maybe unorthodox and give less importance for the thoughts of ancient times. They've independent views on everyday living in general.
They move away from other members of your family. They're efficient at work. They practise the principle "Economy is prudence".
They usually do not believe anything blindly. Their knowing and compassion and their love for all human beings are worthy of attention. About the other hand they are hedonists interested with the mundane pleasures of lifestyle. They want to enjoy at any cost and they are ready to spend anything for it. They've a affluent life with wife and young children.

These are born in a Jupiterian constellation and naturally they can be endowed with all thequalities of Jupiter. Patience purity and perseverance are their hallmarks. They are wise and kind. Their love universal for all
creatures will earn them laurels. Their altruism and optimistic approach is excellent.

Beware of these diseases -Skin eruption -diabetes - kidney trouble - headache - fevers.

Nature - Ungrateful - talented - broad-minded - short-tempered - troubles in getting higher education - loss of first wife.

Gemstone - Wearing Yellow Sapphire can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.

Delta Scorpi : Anizham

These are born in asaturnine constellation and hence they face challenges additional than anybody else. They do not get the reward they deserve. Saturn may be the melancholy planet and he can give a melancholic temperament. Unwise thinking and simplicity often put them in trouble. These are forewarned against argumentative disputes, competitions which are unhealthy & drinks. They may be hedonists and at times
go out with the way in their pleasure-seeking. This may well have effects which are damaging. While luxury will not appeal to them nor fanciful dresses They do love the mundane pleasures of existence. These are quite attractive to women and appeal to them with sturdy feelings. They do enjoy family life thoroughly with wife and young children. Terrific patience & perseverance are imparted by Saturn and their tolerance & patience degree rise.

Beware of these diseases - Constipation - piles - nasal catarrh - sore throat - hipbone fracture - stomach troubles.

Nature - Fond of travel - grave - cruel - vindictive - dishonest - troubles through children.

Gemstone - Putting onBlue Sapphire can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them extra lucky.  
Alpha Scorpi : Thrikketta
 They may be born in a mercurial constellation and hence there're endowed with a mercurial temperament. They wax and wane and their existence is marked by dire vicissitudes. They take decisions without thinking which lack of forethought puts them in trouble.
There're quite knowledgeable and there're likely to stay abroad. Their outlook is unique and their tolerance level is minimal when they deal with unpleasant and tricky situations. They will get quite a bit of relief if they speak out their difficulties with someone whom they trust. Independent outlook & powerful will power are helpful to their progress. They tend not to go out with the way in pleasing people today and lack of diplomacy is also a deterrent to success.
Happy married everyday life with wife. They've to control their urge to be inebriated. Scandals & blames have to be countenanced by them although they're innocent. They will have a superior house but misunderstanding with spouse and little ones are quite possible. They feel helpless prior to Fate. Solution - God.

Beware of these diseases - Bleeding piles - fistula - bowel disorders - pain in arms and shoulders.

Nature - Ingenius - bold - witty - poisonous tongue - will not have many friends - energetic.

Gemstone - Sporting Emerald can fortifythe birth constellational lord which will make them far more privileged.                                                                                                                                          

Lamda Scorpi : Moolam
                                                                                                                                                             They are born in a nodal constellation and hence may possibly not the get the success they deserve particularly with the realm of Economics. Their asterism turns them to spirituality through suffering. These are associated with nobility and royalty in a person way or another.
These are sincere and humorous. There're born optimists and don't exercise economy which is prudence. They get contacts of powerful men and women. Their humility will earn laurels. They've got to control the urge and the impulse to be inebriated.
Their general know-how will be excellent. Happy married everyday life with wife. They can be forewarned about health hazards. Issues due to partner or little ones. They could not be diplomatic which causes troubles. They might have to face many a sorrow and there're bound to be melancholic. They've to turn to prayer & meditation to gain inner strength and peace. Yoga can adjust them totally.

Beware of these diseases -Rheumatism - Sciatica - lumbago - hip diseases - pulmonary troubles.

Nature - Noble - honest - God fearing.

Gemstone - Putting on Cat's Eye can fortify the birth constellationallord and this will make them far more fortunate.                                                                                                                                            
Delta Sagittari : Pooradam
                                                                                                                                                         They're born with the divine gift of articulate speech. They're quite imaginative and they criticise some others without bothering about their opinions. They could not have parental luck. Their involvement may very well be misunderstood by their wife . They trust people which could land them in trouble. They really don't alter the words they spoke or break the promises they built and hey is going to be known as men of superior integrity. The early part of lifestyle is a sacrifice for the family. A marriage based on sentiment or a delayed a person is indicated. Their married daily life might not be happy.

They're born in a Venusian constellation and hence all the Venusian qualities these are endowed with. They love romance and the material pleasures. Venus is the planet of Love which asterism makes them romantic and partake all the pleasures in the mundane.

Beware of these diseases - Sciatica - diabetes - gout - lung disorders - lumbago - hip knee disorders.

Nature - Over-liberal - broad-minded - optimistic.

Gemstone - Wearing Diamond can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will makethem a lot more fortunate.                                                                                                                                               
Delta Sagittari : Uthradam
These are topic to dire vicissitudes as they may be born in a solar constellation. The solar virtues of nobility and spirituality are latent in them. These are generally shrewd and calculating in their words and actions. Sudden reversals are to be expected and they've got the innate capability to overcome all obstacles.       They generally take decisions with the people today who are elder to them and whom they respect. They
do not like to exhibit and demonstrate. They are normally orderly and systematic. They cannot talk unpleasantly to some others. Contentment is adversely affected by the ill-health of wife and progeny. They usually do not speak much and usually are of equanimity of mind . There're constantly dignified and regal in behavior. If they choose politics as their field they are bound to do well as Sun rules politics. They've got in depth learning and inclination towards occult sciences. Their everyday life becomes chaotic & they've to turn to prayer and meditation to overcome the hindrances in everyday life.

Beware of these diseases - Sciatica - eye troubles - disorders of limbs - consumption - gout - toothache.

Nature - Religious-minded - cheerful & benevolent - few sons - many daughters - fond of travel.

Gemstone - Wearing Ruby can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.

Alpha Aquilae : Thiruvonam

These are born in a lunar constellation. These are matter to waxing and waning like the Moon &
there're subject to dire vicissitudes. These are noble in outlook and aristocratic in behavior. The reward they get in return might not be pleasant. Their love for others may possibly not be reciprocated. They're not prepared to live a mediocre existence. They want gaiety and all material comforts. They are high-principled and noble minded. They have a rugged exterior but heart of gold. Only individuals that are close to them understand how diverse there're in actuality. These are blunt and are not diplomatic. If they feel something is truth they tell it bluntly without taking into cognizance other's feelings. They sacrifice for the growth on the family. They are of a melancholic temperament and worry about a person problem or the other. There might be disappointments in daily life but ultimately the lifestyle with their better half will likely be happy. These are altruists basically and devote their daily life towards the betterment with the human race

Beware of these diseases - Skin troubles - gout - stomach troubles -heart troubles - consumption.

Nature - God fearing - fond of astrology - sweet natured.

Gemstone - Wearing Moonstone can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.

Alpha Delphini : Avittam
 They're born in a Martian constellation & all the martial qualities they will have. Courage fortitude
& presence of mind are some of the enviable Martian qualities. They can be liberal in outlook and charitable. Despite their educational background they exhibit special intellectual abilities. Their efficiency, ability and skill will earn laurels and guide. They achieve excellent position in everyday life. They will probably be worried about an individual thing or the other usually. Self respect and Ego they prize above anything else. Will not believe many others too much. They will probably be attracted to science & literature. They're wise and self-confident. They've got to tell their partner to properly care for their health. They've to incorporate the qualities of patience & perseverance in their life. They're prone to jumping to conclusions based on incomplete facts. They have to rely on a senior man for counsel and wise words can really enable them in crisis.
Nature - Fond of eating - quarrelsome - shorttempered - sincere - impotent - unhappy conjugal everydayliving - separation from spouse - sexually weak.

Beware of these diseases - Diseases of leg bones - cough and cold- heart troubles - fainting - respiratory diseases - indigestion.

Gemstone - Wearing Red Coral Eye can fortify thebirth constellational lord which will make them additional lucky.  
Lamda Aquari : Chathayam
                                                                                                                                                            They are born in a nodal constellation which gives unstable everyday life. They can be short tempered by nature. Their asterism is ruled by Rahu, an incendiary planet. They is going to be excellent at gambling & speculation They may be great at diplomacy and rhetoric. Their existence becomes chaotic as many unpleasant experiences they undergo marks its impression on them. They may be matter to mental
fluctuations. There're beneficial conversationalists. Difficulties due to spouse and separation is indicated. Urinary problems indicated. Their tolerance and patience levels are lower. They're unique about order & systematic they can be about traditional practices. They will probably be misunderstood by
many and their lifestyle becomes unstable. They crave for mental peace and the best remedy is to turn to yoga & meditation. Bhakti Yoga can give them much needed solace from the bruises suffered in existence.

Beware of these diseases - Heart trouble - gout - arthritis - BP -fracture of hip bones - palpitation - eye troubles.

Nature - Lazy - fond of leisure - angry - cruel - sickly wife - troubles in old age.

Gemstone- Wearing Hessonite can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them extra privileged.  
Alpha Pegasi : Poororuttathi
They may be born in a Jupiterian constellation and all the qualities of Jupiter there're endowed with right from childhood.
The triple Ps of Purity Patience & Perseverance and the fantastic quality of resilience. Jupiter stands for Justice and they will do your very best to uphold the ideals of Justice. Jupiter stands for honesty & sincerity and for the alleviation of human suffering. They will have Divine Grace when they can be confronted by a bad situation. They will crave for spiritual solace and will get it in need.

These are highly skilled which is conduciveto professional enhancement. Their reputation will travel wide and they progress within the field of spirituality. They tend not to withdraw from any problem when there're involved in it. Their love and consideration usually wins laurels.

Beware of these diseases - Diseases of private parts - eye-troubles -small-pox - heart troubles - low BP - dropsy.

Nature - Short-tempered - fond of friends - honest - sincere.

Gemstone- Putting on Yellow Sapphire can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them far more fortunate. 
Alpha Andromeda : UthrattathiAs gentlemen they stand on sturdy principles. They gain acceptance and respect from folks additional than from wealth. Impractical but straightforward clear thinking. They cannot be blind to religion or any other belief. Short-tempered persons by nature, they can be practical and calm. If there is someone to encourage they can achieve still higher levels of performance.
While they can be ready to do any service for other individuals what they get in return is lack of
consideration. Family challenges, stoppages, obstacles and delays may perhaps have to be faced occasionally. False prestige stands against their interest and progress. The second half of their lifestyle span is comparatively enjoyable. Very devoted to their wife.

Beware of these diseases -Toothache - fevers - small-pox - dropsy - stomach disorders - rheumatism - consumption.

Nature - Sickly partner - troubles through children - altruistic.

Gemstone - Wearing Blue Sapphire fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.

Zeta Piscium : Revathi
 They're a sincere, straightforward and open-minded. However short-tempered they tend not to conceal anything or pretend to be somebody else outside. There're confident of what they imagine and do and hence stick into the same irrespective of what other people say. Their decisions are normally slow or delayed. They might not care for other folks beyond a limit. They are very independent too. Disagreements with spouse or long separations in married everyday living is likely.
Better they take care of their heart and stomach.

Beware of these diseases - Stomach disorders - feet-disorders - gout - cramps - deafness - ear-diseases - dysentery tooth-troubles.

Nature - Licentious - clever - religious.

Gemstone - Wearing Emerald can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate

Latitude and Longitude look up Table


This table gives the latitude and longitude of various major cities around the world. The first column gives the Latitude in degrees and minutes. The second column gives the Longitude in degrees and minutes.

Definition of Latitude  Definition of Longitude 

The angular distance between an imaginary line around a heavenly body parallel to its equator and the equator itself

Lines of latitude

The angular distance between a point on any meridian and the prime meridian at Greenwich

Longitude    lines or "meridians"

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For Sri Lanka a detailed latitude and longitude table for many towns and villages is supplied here which is available for the first time in the web.

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Country/City:   Latitude:  Longitude:

AFGHANISTAN Latitude Longitude Kabul 34° 35' N 69° 12' E
ALGERIA Buenos Aires 34° 35' S 58° 29' W
Cordoba 31° 22' S 64° 15' W
Tucuman 26° 50' S 65° 10' W
AUSTRALIA Adelaide 34° 56' S 138° 35' E
Alice Springs 23° 48' S 133° 53' E
Brisbane 27° 28' S 153° 2' E
Darwin 12° 28' S 130° 51' E
Melbourne 37° 49' S 144° 58' E
Perth 31° 57' S 115° 51' E
Sydney 33° 52' S 151° 12' E For other locations in Australia Click her Lajes (Terceira) 38° 45' N 27° 5' W
BAHAMAS Nassau 25° 5' N 77° 21' W
BANGLADESH Chittagong 22° 21' N 91° 50' E
BELGIUM Brussels 50° 48' N 4° 21' E
BERMUDA Kindley AFB 33° 22' N 64° 41' W
BOLIVIA La Paz 16° 30' S 68° 9' W
BRAZIL Belem 1° 27' S 48° 29' W
Belo Horizonte 19° 56' S 43° 57' W
Brasilia 15° 52' S 47° 55' W
Curitiba 25° 25' S 49° 17' W
Fortaleza 3° 46' S 38° 33' W
Porto Alegre 30° 2' S 51° 13' W
Recife 8° 4' S 34° 53' W
Rio De Janeiro 22° 55' S 43° 12' W
Salvador 13° 0' S 38° 30' W
Sao Paulo 23° 33' S 46° 38' W
BELIZE Belize 17° 31' N 88° 11' W
BULGARIA Sofia 42° 42' N 23° 20' E
BURMA Mandalay 21° 59' N 96° 6' E
Rangoon 16° 47' N 96° 9' E
CAMBODIA Phnom Penh 11° 33' N 104° 51' E
CANADA Cities Latitude Longitude ------------------ALBERTA Calgary AP 51° 6' N 114° 1' W Edmonton AP 53° 34' N 113° 31' W Grande Prairie AP 55° 11' N 118° 53' W Jasper 52° 53' N 118° 4' W Lethbridge AP (S) 49° 38' N 112° 48' W McMurray AP 56° 39' N 111° 13' W Medicine Hat AP 50° 1' N 110° 43' W Red Deer AP 52° 11' N 113° 54' W BRITISH COLUMBIA Dawson Creek 55° 44' N 120° 11' W Fort Nelson AP (S) 58° 50' N 122° 35' W Kamloops Co 50° 43' N 120° 25' W Nanaimo (S) 49° 11' N 123° 58' W New Westminster 49° 13' N 122° 54' W Penticton AP 49° 28' N 119° 36' W Prince George AP (S) 53° 53' N 122° 41' W Prince Rupert Co 54° 17' N 130° 23' W Trail 49° 8' N 117° 44' W Vancouver AP (S) 49° 11' N 123° 10' W Victoria Co 48° 25' N 123° 19' WMANITOBA Brandon 49° 52' N 99° 59' W Churchill AP (S) 58° 45' N 94° 4' W Dauphin AP 51° 6' N 100° 3' W Flin Flon 54° 46' N 101° 51' W Portage La Prairie AP 49° 54' N 98° 16' W The Pas AP (S) 53° 58' N 101° 6' W Winnipeg AP (S) 49° 54' N 97° 14' W NEW BRUNSWICK Campbellton Co 48° 0' N 66° 40' W Chatham AP 47° 1' N 65° 27' W Edmundston Co 47° 22' N 68° 20' W Fredericton AP (S) 45° 52' N 66° 32' W Moncton AP (S) 46° 7' N 64° 41' W Saint John AP 45° 19' N 65° 53' W NEWFOUNDLAND Corner Brook 48° 58' N 57° 57' W Gander AP 48° 57' N 54° 34' W Goose Bay AP (S) 53° 19' N 60° 25' W St John's AP (S) 47° 37' N 52° 45' W Stephenville AP 48° 32' N 58° 33' W NORTHWEST TERRITORIES Fort Smith AP(S) 60° 1' N 111° 58' W Frobisher AP (S) 63° 45' N 68° 33' W Inuvik (S) 68° 18' N 133° 29' W Resolute AP (S) 74° 43' N 94° 59' W Yellowknife AP 62° 28' N 114° 27' W NOVA SCOTIA Amherst 45° 49' N 64° 13' W Halifax AP (S) 44° 39' N 63° 34' W Kentville (S) 45° 3' N 64° 36' W New Glasgow 45° 37' N 62° 37' W Sydney AP 46° 10' N 60° 3' W Truro Co 45° 22' N 63° 16' W Yarmouth AP 43° 50' N 66° 5' W ONTARIO Belleville 44° 9' N 77° 24' W Chatham 42° 24' N 82° 12' W Cornwall 45° 1' N 74° 45' W Hamilton 43° 16' N 79° 54' W Kapuskasing AP (S) 49° 25' N 82° 28' W Kenora AP 49° 48' N 94° 22' W Kingston 44° 16' N 76° 30' W Kitchener 43° 26' N 80° 30' W London AP 43° 2' N 81° 9' W North Bay AP 46° 22' N 79° 25' W Oshawa 43° 54' N 78° 52' W Ottawa AP (S) 45° 19' N 75° 40' W Owen Sound 44° 34' N 80° 55' W Peterborough 44° 17' N 78° 19' W St Catharines 43° 11' N 79° 14' W Sarnia 42° 58' N 82° 22' W Sault Ste Marie AP 46° 32' N 84° 30' W Sudbury AP 46° 37' N 80° 48' W Thunder Bay AP 48° 22' N 89° 19' W Timmins AP 48° 34' N 81° 22' W Toronto AP (S) 43° 41' N 79° 38' W Windsor AP 42° 16' N 82° 58' W PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Charlottetown AP (S) 46° 17' N 63° 8' W Summerside AP 46° 26' N 63° 50' W QUEBEC Bagotville AP 48° 20' N 71° 0' W Chicoutimi 48° 25' N 71° 5' W Drummondville 45° 53' N 72° 29' W Granby 45° 23' N 72° 42' W Hull 45° 26' N 75° 44' W Megantic AP 45° 35' N 70° 52' W Montreal AP (S) 45° 28' N 73° 45' W Quebec AP 46° 48' N 71° 23' W Rimouski 48° 27' N 68° 32' W St Jean 45° 18' N 73° 16' W St Jerome 45° 48' N 74° 1' W Sept. Iles AP (S) 50° 13' N 66° 16' W Shawinigan 46° 34' N 72° 43' W Sherbrooke Co 45° 24' N 71° 54' W Thetford Mines 46° 4' N 71° 19' W Trois Rivieres 46° 21' N 72° 35' W Val D'or AP 48° 3' N 77° 47' W Valleyfield 45° 16' N 74° 6' W SASKATCHEWAN EstevanAP 49° 4' N 103° 0' W Moose Jaw AP 50° 20' N 105° 33' W North Battleford AP 52° 46' N 108° 15' W Prince Albert AP 53° 13' N 105° 41' W Regina AP 50° 26' N 104° 40' W Saskatoon AP (S) 52° 10' N 106° 41' W Swift Current AP (S) 50° 17' N 107° 41' W Yorkton AP 51° 16' N 102° 28' W YUKON TERRITORY Whitehorse AP (S) 60° 43' N 135° 4' W End Canada cities---------------- CHILE Punta Arenas 53° 10' S 70° 54' W Santiago 33° 27' S 70° 42' W Valparaiso 33° 1' S 71° 38' W CHINA Chongquing 29° 33' N 106° 33' E Shanghai 31° 12' N 121° 26' E COLOMBIA Baranquilla 10° 59' N 74° 48' W Bogota 4° 36' N 74° 5' W Cali 3° 25' N 76° 30' W Medellin 6° 13' N 75° 36' W CONGO Brazzaville 4° 15' S 15° 15' E CUBA Guantanamo Bay 19° 54' N 75° 9' W Havana 23° 8' N 82° 21' W CZECHOSLOVAKIA Prague 50° 5' N 14° 25' E DENMARK Copenhagen 55° 41' N 12° 33' E DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Santo Domingo 18° 29' N 69° 54' W EQUADOR Guayaquil 21° 0' S 79° 53' W Quito 0° 13' S 78° 32' W EGYPT Cairo 29° 52' N 31° 20' E EL SALVADOR San Salvador 13° 42' N 89° 13' W ETHIOPIA Addis Ababa 90° 2' N 38° 45' E Asmara 15° 17' N 38° 55' E FINLAND Lyon 45° 42' N 4° 47' E Marseilles 43° 18' N 5° 23' E Nantes 47° 15' N 1° 34' W Nice 43° 42' N 7° 16' E Paris 48° 49' N 2° 29' E Strasbourg 48° 35' N 7° 46' E FRENCH GUIANA Berlin (West) 52° 27' N 13° 18' E Hamburg 53° 33' N 9° 58' E Hannover 52° 24' N 9° 40' E Mannheim 49° 34' N 8° 28' E Munich 48° 9' N 11° 34' E GHANA Accra 5° 33' N 0° 12' W GIBRALTAR Gibraltar 36° 9' N 5° 22' W GREECE Athens 37° 58' N 23° 43' E Thessaloniki 40° 37' N 22° 57' E GREENLAND Port Au Prince 18° 33' N 72° 20' W HONDURAS Tegucigalpa 14° 6' N 87° 13' W HONG KONG Budapest 47° 31' N 19° 2' E ICELAND Reykjavik 64° 8' N 21° 56' W INDIA Ahmenabad 23° 2' N 72° 35' E Bangalore 12° 57' N 77° 37' E Bombay 18° 54' N 72° 49' E Calcutta 22° 32' N 88° 20' E Madras 13° 4' N 80° 15' E Nagpur 21° 9' N 79° 7' E New Delhi 28° 35' N 77° 12' E INDONESIA Djakarta 6° 11' S 106° 50' E Kupang 10° 10' S 123° 34' E Makassar 5° 8' S 119° 28' E Medan 3° 35' N 98° 41' E Palembang 3° 0' S 104° 46' E Surabaya 7° 13' S 112° 43' E IRAN Abadan 30° 21' N 48° 16' E Meshed 36° 17' N 59° 36' E Tehran 35° 41' N 51° 25' E IRAQ Baghdad 33° 20' N 44° 24' E Mosul 36° 19' N 43° 9' E IRELAND Dublin 53° 22' N 6° 21' W Shannon 52° 41' N 8° 55' W IRIAN BARAT Milan 45° 27' N 9° 17' E Naples 40° 53' N 14° 18' E Rome 41° 48' N 12° 36' E IVORY COAST Abidjan 5° 19' N 4° 1' W JAPAN Fukuoka 33° 35' N 130° 27' E Sapporo 43° 4' N 141° 21' E Tokyo 35° 41' N 139° 46' E JORDAN Nairobi 1° 16' S 36° 48' E KOREA Pyongyang 39° 2' N 125° 41' E Seoul 37° 34' N 126° 58' E LEBANON Beirut 33° 54' N 35° 28' E LIBERIA Monrovia 6° 18' N 10° 48' W LIBYA Benghazi 32° 6' N 20° 4' E MADAGASCAR Kuala Lumpur 3° 7' N 101° 42' E Penang 5° 25' N 100° 19' E MARTINIQUE Fort De France 14° 37' N 61° 5' W MEXICO Guadalajara 20° 41' N 103° 20' W Merida 20° 58' N 89° 38' W Mexico City 19° 24' N 99° 12' W Monterrey 25° 40' N 100° 18' W Vera Cruz 19° 12' N 96° 8' W MOROCCO Casablanca 33° 35' N 7° 39' W NEPAL Katmandu 27° 42' N 85° 12' E NETHERLANDS Amsterdam 52° 23' N 4° 55' E NEW ZEALAND Auckland 36° 51' S 174° 46' E Christchurch 43° 32' S 172° 37' E Wellington 41° 17' S 174° 46' E NICARAGUA Bergen 60° 24' N 5° 19' E Oslo 59° 56' N 10° 44' E PAKISTAN Karachi 24° 48' N 66° 59' E Lahore 31° 35' N 74° 20' E Peshwar 34° 1' N 71° 35' E PANAMA Panama City 8° 58' N 79° 33' W PAPUA NEW GUINEA Port Moresby 9° 29' S 147° 9' E PARAGUAY Ascuncion 25° 17' S 57° 30' W PERU Lima 12° 5' S 77° 3' W PHILIPPINES Manila 14° 35' N 120° 59' E POLAND Krakow 50° 4' N 19° 57' E Warsaw 52° 13' N 21° 2' E PORTUGAL Lisbon 38° 43' N 9° 8' W PUERTO RICO Bucharest 44° 25' N 26° 6' E RUSSIA Alma Ata 43° 14' N 76° 53' E Archangel 64° 33' N 40° 32' E Kaliningrad 54° 43' N 20° 30' E Krasnoyarsk 56° 1' N 92° 57' E Kiev 50° 27' N 30° 30' E Kharkov 50° 0' N 36° 14' E Kuibyshev 53° 11' N 50° 6' E Leningrad 59° 56' N 30° 16' E Minsk 53° 54' N 27° 33' E Moscow 55° 46' N 37° 40' E Odessa 46° 29' N 30° 44' E Petropavlovsk 52° 53' N 158° 42' E Rostov on Don 47° 13' N 39° 43' E Sverdlovsk 56° 49' N 60° 38' E Tashkent 41° 20' N 69° 18' E Tbilisi 41° 43' N 44° 48' E Vladivostok 43° 7' N 131° 55' E Volgograd 48° 42' N 44° 31' E SAUDI ARABIA Dhahran 26° 17' N 50° 9' E Jedda 21° 28' N 39° 10' E Riyadh 24° 39' N 46° 42' E SENEGAL Dakar 14° 42' N 17° 29' W SINGAPORE Singapore 1° 18' N 103° 50' E SOMALIA Mogadiscio 2° 2' N 49° 19' E SOUTH AFRICA Cape Town 33° 56' S 18° 29' E Johannesburg 26° 11' S 28° 3' E Pretoria 25° 45' S 28° 14' E SOUTH YEMEN Aden 12° 50' N 45° 2' E SPAIN Barcelona 41° 24' N 2° 9' E Madrid 40° 25' N 3° 41' W Valencia 39° 28' N 0° 23' W SRI LANKA Colombo 6° 54' N 79° 52' E SUDAN Paramaribo 5° 49' N 55° 9' W SWEDEN Stockholm 59° 21' N 18° 4' E SWITZERLAND Damascus 33° 30' N 36° 20' E TAIWAN Tainan 22° 57' N 120° 12' E Taipei 25° 2' N 121° 31' E TANZANIA Dar es Salaam 6° 50' S 39° 18' E THAILAND Bangkok 13° 44' N 100° 30' E TRINIDAD Port of Spain 10° 40' N 61° 31' W TUNISIA Adana 36° 59' N 35° 18' E Ankara 39° 57' N 32° 53' E Istanbul 40° 58' N 28° 50' E Izmir 38° 26' N 27° 10' E UNITED KINGDOM Belfast 54° 36' N 5° 55' W Birmingham 52° 29' N 1° 56' W Cardiff 51° 28' N 3° 10' W Edinburgh 55° 55' N 3° 11' W Glasgow 55° 52' N 4° 17' W London 51° 29' N 0° 0' W URUGUAY Montevideo 34° 51' S 56° 13' W USA Cities Latitude Longitude ----------------------------------------- ALABAMA Alexander City 32° 57' N 85° 57' W Anniston AP 33° 35' N 85° 51' W Auburn 32° 36' N 85° 30' W Birmingham AP 33° 34' N 86° 45' W Decatur 34° 37' N 86° 59' W Dothan AP 31° 19' N 85° 27' W Florence AP 34° 48' N 87° 40' W Gadsden 34° 1' N 86° 0' W Huntsville AP 34° 42' N 86° 35' W Mobile AP 30° 41' N 88° 15' W Mobile Co 30° 40' N 88° 15' W Montgomery AP 32° 23' N 86° 22' W Selma-Craig AFB 32° 20' N 87° 59' W Talladega 33° 27' N 86° 6' W Tuscaloosa AP 33° 13' N 87° 37' W ALASKA Anchorage AP 61° 10' N 150° 1' W Barrow (S) 71° 18' N 156° 47' W Fairbanks AP (S) 64° 49' N 147° 52' W Juneau AP 58° 22' N 134° 35' W Kodiak 57° 45' N 152° 29' W Nome AP 64° 30' N 165° 26' W ARIZONA Douglas AP 31° 27' N 109° 36' W Flagstaff AP 35° 8' N 111° 40' W Fort Huachuca AP (S) 31° 35' N 110° 20' W Kingman AP 35° 12' N 114° 1' W Nogales 31° 21' N 110° 55' W Phoenix AP (S) 33° 26' N 112° 1' W Prescott AP 34° 39' N 112° 26' W Tucson AP (S) 32° 7' N 110° 56' W Winslow AP 35° 1' N 110° 44' W Yuma AP 32° 39' N 114° 37' W ARKANSAS Blytheville AFB 35° 57' N 89° 57' W Camden 33° 36' N 92° 49' W El Dorado AP 33° 13' N 92° 49' W Fayetteville AP 36° 0' N 94° 10' W Fort Smith AP 35° 20' N 94° 22' W Hot Springs 34° 29' N 93° 6' W Jonesboro 35° 50' N 90° 42' W Little Rock AP (S) 34° 44' N 92° 14' W Pine Bluff AP 34° 18' N 92° 5' W Texarkana AP 33° 27' N 93° 59' W CALIFORNIA Bakersfield AP 35° 25' N 119° 3' W Barstow AP 34° 51' N 116° 47' W Blythe AP 33° 37' N 114° 43' W Burbank AP 34° 12' N 118° 21' W Chico 39° 48' N 121° 51' W Concord 37° 58' N 121° 59' W Covina 34° 5' N 117° 52' W Crescent City AP 41° 46' N 124° 12' W Downey 33° 56' N 118° 8' W El Cajon 32° 49' N 116° 58' W El Cerrito AP (S) 32° 49' N 115° 40' W Escondido 33° 7' N 117° 5' W Eureka/Arcata AP 40° 59' N 124° 6' W Fairfield-Trafis AFB 38° 16' N 121° 56' W Fresno AP (S) 36° 46' N 119° 43' W Hamilton AFB 38° 4' N 122° 30' W Laguna Beach 33° 33' N 117° 47' W Livermore 37° 42' N 121° 57' W Lompoc, Vandenberg AFB 34° 43' N 120° 34' W Long Beach AP 33° 49' N 118° 9' W Los Angeles AP (S) 33° 56' N 118° 24' W Los Angeles CO (S) 34° 3' N 118° 14' W Merced-Castle AFB 37° 23' N 120° 34' W Modesto 37° 39' N 121° 0' W Monterey 36° 36' N 121° 54' W Napa 38° 13' N 122° 17' W Needles AP 34° 36' N 114° 37' W Oakland AP 37° 49' N 122° 19' W Oceanside 33° 14' N 117° 25' W Ontario 34° 3' N 117° 36' W Oxnard 34° 12' N 119° 11' W Palmdale AP 34° 38' N 118° 6' W Palm Springs 33° 49' N 116° 32' W Pasadena 34° 9' N 118° 9' W Petaluma 38° 14' N 122° 38' W Pomona Co 34° 3' N 117° 45' W Redding AP 40° 31' N 122° 18' W Redlands 34° 3' N 117° 11' W Richmond 37° 56' N 122° 21' W Riverside-March AFB (S) 33° 54' N 117° 15' W Sacramento AP 38° 31' N 121° 30' W Salinas AP 36° 40' N 121° 36' W San Bernadino, Norton AFB 34° 8' N 117° 16' W San Diego AP 32° 44' N 117° 10' W San Fernando 34° 17' N 118° 28' W San Francisco AP 37° 37' N 122° 23' W San Francisco Co 37° 46' N 122° 26' W San Jose AP 37° 22' N 121° 56' W San Louis Obispo 35° 20' N 120° 43' W Santa Ana AP 33° 45' N 117° 52' W Santa Barbara MAP 34° 26' N 119° 50' W Santa Cruz 36° 59' N 122° 1' W Santa Maria AP (S) 34° 54' N 120° 27' W Santa Monica CIC 34° 1' N 118° 29' W Santa Paula 34° 21' N 119° 5' W Santa Rosa 38° 31' N 122° 49' W Stockton AP 37° 54' N 121° 15' W Ukiah 39° 9' N 123° 12' W Visalia 36° 20' N 119° 18' W Yreka 41° 43' N 122° 38' W Yuba City 39° 8' N 121° 36' W COLORADO Alamosa AP 37° 27' N 105° 52' W Boulder 40° 0' N 105° 16' W Colorado Springs AP 38° 49' N 104° 43' W Denver AP 39° 45' N 104° 52' W Durango 37° 17' N 107° 53' W Fort Collins 40° 45' N 105° 5' W Grand Junction AP (S) 39° 7' N 108° 32' W Greeley 40° 26' N 104° 38' W Lajunta AP 38° 3' N 103° 30' W Leadville 39° 15' N 106° 18' W Pueblo AP 38° 18' N 104° 29' W Sterling 40° 37' N 103° 12' W Trinidad 37° 15' N 104° 20' W CONNECTICUT Bridgeport AP 41° 11' N 73° 11' W Hartford, Brainard Field 41° 44' N 72° 39' W New Haven AP 41° 19' N 73° 55' W New London 41° 21' N 72° 6' W Norwalk 41° 7' N 73° 25' W Norwick 41° 32' N 72° 4' W Waterbury 41° 35' N 73° 4' W Widsor Locks, Bradley Fld 41° 56' N 72° 41' W DELAWARE Dover AFB 39° 8' N 75° 28' W Wilmington AP 39° 40' N 75° 36' W DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Andrews AFB 38° 5' N 76° 5' W Washington, National AP 38° 51' N 77° 2' W FLORIDA Belle Glade 26° 39' N 80° 39' W Cape Kennedy AP 28° 29' N 80° 34' W Daytona Beach AP 29° 11' N 81° 3' W E Fort Lauderdale 26° 4' N 80° 9' W Fort Myers AP 26° 35' N 81° 52' W Fort Pierce 27° 28' N 80° 21' W Gainsville AP (S) 29° 41' N 82° 16' W Jacksonville AP 30° 30' N 81° 42' W Key West AP 24° 33' N 81° 45' W Lakeland Co (S) 28° 2' N 81° 57' W Miami AP (S) 25° 48' N 80° 16' W Miami Beach Co 25° 47' N 80° 17' W Ocala 29° 11' N 82° 8' W Orlando AP 28° 33' N 81° 23' W Panama City, Tyndall AFB 30° 4' N 85° 35' W Pensacola Co 30° 25' N 87° 13' W St. Augustine 29° 58' N 81° 20' W St. Petersburg 27° 46' N 82° 80' W Stanford 28° 46' N 81° 17' W Sarasota 27° 23' N 82° 33' W Tallahassee AP (S) 30° 23' N 84° 22' W Tampa AP (S) 27° 58' N 82° 32' W West Palm Beach AP 26° 41' N 80° 6' W GEORGIA Albany, Turner AFB 31° 36' N 84° 5' W Americus 32° 3' N 84° 14' W Athens 33° 57' N 83° 19' W Atlanta AP (S) 33° 39' N 84° 26' W Augusta AP 33° 22' N 81° 58' W Brunswick 31° 15' N 81° 29' W Columbus, Lawson AFB 32° 31' N 84° 56' W Dalton 34° 34' N 84° 57' W Dublin 32° 20' N 82° 54' W Gainsville 34° 11' N 83° 41' W Griffin 33° 13' N 84° 16' W LaGrange 33° 1' N 85° 4' W Macon AP 32° 42' N 83° 39' W Marietta, Dobbins AFB 33° 55' N 84° 31' W Savannah 32° 8' N 81° 12' W Valdosta-Moody AFB 30° 58' N 83° 12' W Waycross 31° 15' N 82° 24' W HAWAII Hilo AP (S) 19° 43' N 155° 5' W Honolulu AP 21° 20' N 157° 55' W Kaneohe Bay MCAS 21° 27' N 157° 46' W Wahiawa 21° 3' N 158° 2' W IDAHO Boise AP (S) 43° 34' N 116° 13' W Burley 42° 32' N 113° 46' W Coeur D'Alene AP 47° 46' N 116° 49' W Idaho Falls AP 43° 31' N 112° 4' W Lewiston AP 46° 23' N 117° 1' W Moscow 46° 44' N 116° 58' W Mountain Home AFB 43° 2' N 115° 54' W Pocatello AP 42° 55' N 112° 36' W Twin Falls AP (S) 42° 29' N 114° 29' W ILLINOIS Aurora 41° 45' N 88° 20' W Belleville, Scott AFB 38° 33' N 89° 51' W Bloomington 40° 29' N 88° 57' W Carbondale 37° 47' N 89° 15' W Champaign/Urbana 40° 2' N 88° 17' W Chicago, Midway AP 41° 47' N 87° 45' W Chicago, O'Hare AP 41° 59' N 87° 54' W Chicago Co 41° 53' N 87° 38' W Danville 40° 12' N 87° 36' W Decatur 39° 50' N 88° 52' W Dixon 41° 50' N 89° 29' W Elgin 42° 2' N 88° 16' W Freeport 42° 18' N 89° 37' W Galesburg 40° 56' N 90° 26' W Greenville 38° 53' N 89° 24' W Joliet 41° 31' N 88° 10' W Kankakee 41° 5' N 87° 55' W La Salle/Peru 41° 19' N 89° 6' W Macomb 40° 28' N 90° 40' W Moline AP 41° 27' N 90° 31' W Mt Vernon 38° 19' N 88° 52' W Peoria AP 40° 40' N 89° 41' W Quincy AP 39° 57' N 91° 12' W Rantoul, Chanute AFB 40° 18' N 88° 8' W Rockford 42° 21' N 89° 3' W Springfield AP 39° 50' N 89° 40' W Waukegan 42° 21' N 87° 53' W INDIANA Anderson 40° 6' N 85° 37' W Bedford 38° 51' N 86° 30' W Bloomington 39° 8' N 86° 37' W Columbus, Bakalar AFB 39° 16' N 85° 54' W Crawfordsville 40° 3' N 86° 54' W Evansville AP 38° 3' N 87° 32' W Fort Wayne AP 41° 0' N 85° 12' W Goshen AP 41° 32' N 85° 48' W Hobart 41° 32' N 87° 15' W Huntington 40° 53' N 85° 30' W Indianapolis AP 39° 44' N 86° 17' W Jeffersonville 38° 17' N 85° 45' W Kokomo 40° 25' N 86° 3' W Lafayette 40° 2' N 86° 5' W La Porte 41° 36' N 86° 43' W Marion 40° 29' N 85° 41' W Muncie 40° 11' N 85° 21' W Peru, Grissom AFB 40° 39' N 86° 9' W Richmond AP 39° 46' N 84° 50' W Shelbyville 39° 31' N 85° 47' W South Bend AP 41° 42' N 86° 19' W Terre Haute AP 39° 27' N 87° 18' W Valparaiso 41° 31' N 87° 2' W Vincennes 38° 41' N 87° 32' W IOWA Ames (S) 42° 2' N 93° 48' W Burlington AP 40° 47' N 91° 7' W Cedar Rapids AP 41° 53' N 91° 42' W Clinton 41° 50' N 90° 13' W Council Bluffs 41° 20' N 95° 49' W Des Moines AP 41° 32' N 93° 39' W Dubuque 42° 24' N 90° 42' W Fort Dodge 42° 33' N 94° 11' W Iowa City 41° 38' N 91° 33' W Keokuk 40° 24' N 91° 24' W Marshalltown 42° 4' N 92° 56' W Mason City AP 43° 9' N 93° 20' W Newton 41° 41' N 93° 2' W Ottumwa AP 41° 6' N 92° 27' W Sioux City AP 42° 24' N 96° 23' W Waterloo 42° 33' N 92° 24' W KANSAS Atchison 39° 34' N 95° 7' W Chanute AP 37° 40' N 95° 29' W Dodge City AP (S) 37° 46' N 99° 58' W El Dorado 37° 49' N 96° 50' W Emporia 38° 20' N 96° 12' W Garden City AP 37° 56' N 100° 44' W Goodland AP 39° 22' N 101° 42' W Great Bend 38° 21' N 98° 52' W Hutchinson AP 38° 4' N 97° 52' W Liberal 37° 3' N 100° 58' W Manhattan, Ft Riley (S) 39° 3' N 96° 46' W Parsons 37° 20' N 95° 31' W Russell AP 38° 52' N 98° 49' W Salina 38° 48' N 97° 39' W Topeka AP 39° 4' N 95° 38' W Wichita AP 37° 39' N 97° 25' W KENTUCKY Ashland 38° 33' N 82° 44' W Bowling Green AP 35° 58' N 86° 28' W Corbin AP 36° 57' N 84° 6' W Covington AP 39° 3' N 84° 40' W Hopkinsville, Ft Campbell 36° 40' N 87° 29' W Lexington AP (S) 38° 2' N 84° 36' W Louisville AP 38° 11' N 85° 44' W Madisonville 37° 19' N 87° 29' W Owensboro 37° 45' N 87° 10' W Paducah AP 37° 4' N 88° 46' W LOUISIANA Alexandria AP 31° 24' N 92° 18' W Baton Rouge AP 30° 32' N 91° 9' W Bogalusa 30° 47' N 89° 52' W Houma 29° 31' N 90° 40' W Lafayette AP 30° 12' N 92° 0' W Lake Charles AP (S) 30° 7' N 93° 13' W Minden 32° 36' N 93° 18' W Monroe AP 32° 31' N 92° 2' W Natchitoches 31° 46' N 93° 5' W New Orleans AP 29° 59' N 90° 15' W Shreveport AP (S) 32° 28' N 93° 49' W MAINE Augusta AP 44° 19' N 69° 48' W Bangor, Dow AFB 44° 48' N 68° 50' W Caribou AP (S) 46° 52' N 68° 1' W Lewiston 44° 2' N 70° 15' W Millinocket AP 45° 39' N 68° 42' W Portland (S) 43° 39' N 70° 19' W Waterville 44° 32' N 69° 40' W MARYLAND Baltimore AP 39° 11' N 76° 40' W Baltimore Co 39° 20' N 76° 25' W Cumberland 39° 37' N 78° 46' W Frederick AP 39° 27' N 77° 25' W Hagerstown 39° 42' N 77° 44' W Salisbury (S) 38° 20' N 75° 30' W MASSACHUSETTS Boston AP 42° 22' N 71° 2' W Clinton 42° 24' N 71° 41' W Fall River 41° 43' N 71° 8' W Framingham 42° 17' N 71° 25' W Gloucester 42° 35' N 70° 41' W Greenfield 42° 3' N 72° 4' W Lawrence 42° 42' N 71° 10' W Lowell 42° 39' N 71° 19' W New Bedford 41° 41' N 70° 58' W Pittsfield AP 42° 26' N 73° 18' W Springfield, Westover AFB 42° 12' N 72° 32' W Taunton 41° 54' N 71° 4' W Worcester AP 42° 16' N 71° 52' W MICHIGAN Adrian 41° 55' N 84° 1' W Alpena AP 45° 4' N 83° 26' W Battle Creek AP 42° 19' N 85° 15' W Benton Harbor AP 42° 8' N 86° 26' W Detroit 42° 25' N 83° 1' W Escanaba 45° 44' N 87° 5' W Flint AP 42° 58' N 83° 44' W Grand Rapids AP 42° 53' N 85° 31' W Holland 42° 42' N 86° 6' W Jackson AP 42° 16' N 84° 28' W Kalamazoo 42° 17' N 85° 36' W Lansing AP 42° 47' N 84° 36' W Marquette Co 46° 34' N 87° 24' W Mt Pleasant 43° 35' N 84° 46' W Muskegon AP 43° 10' N 86° 14' W Pontiac 42° 40' N 83° 25' W Port Huron 42° 59' N 82° 25' W Saginaw AP 43° 32' N 84° 5' W Sault Ste. Marie AP (S) 46° 28' N 84° 22' W Traverse City AP 44° 45' N 85° 35' W Ypsilanti 42° 14' N 83° 32' W MINNESOTA Albert Lea 43° 39' N 93° 21' W Alexandria AP 45° 52' N 95° 23' W Bemidji AP 47° 31' N 94° 56' W Brainerd 46° 24' N 94° 8' W Duluth AP 46° 50' N 92° 11' W Fairbault 44° 18' N 93° 16' W Fergus Falls 46° 16' N 96° 4' W International Falls AP 48° 34' N 93° 23' W Mankato 44° 9' N 93° 59' W Minneapolis/St. Paul AP 44° 53' N 93° 13' W Rochester AP 43° 55' N 92° 30' W St. Cloud AP (S) 45° 35' N 94° 11' W Virginia 47° 30' N 92° 33' W Willmar 45° 7' N 95° 5' W Winona 44° 3' N 91° 38' W MISSISSIPPI Biloxi--Keesler AFB 30° 25' N 88° 55' W Clarksdale 34° 12' N 90° 34' W Columbus AFB 33° 39' N 88° 27' W Greenville AFB 33° 29' N 90° 59' W Greenwood 33° 30' N 90° 5' W Hattiesburg 31° 16' N 89° 15' W Jackson AP 32° 19' N 90° 5' W Laurel 31° 40' N 89° 10' W Mccomb AP 31° 15' N 90° 28' W Meridian AP 32° 20' N 88° 45' W Natchez 31° 33' N 91° 23' W Tupelo 34° 16' N 88° 46' W Vicksburg Co 32° 24' N 90° 47' W MISSOURI Cape Girardeau 37° 14' N 89° 35' W Columbia AP (S) 38° 58' N 92° 22' W Farmington AP 37° 46' N 90° 24' W Hannibal 39° 42' N 91° 21' W Jefferson City 38° 34' N 92° 11' W Joplin AP 37° 9' N 94° 30' W Kansas City AP 39° 7' N 94° 35' W Kirksville AP 40° 6' N 92° 33' W Mexico 39° 11' N 91° 54' W Moberly 39° 24' N 92° 26' W Poplar Bluff 36° 46' N 90° 25' W Rolla 37° 59' N 91° 43' W St. Joseph AP 39° 46' N 94° 55' W St. Louis AP 38° 45' N 90° 23' W St. Louis CO 38° 39' N 90° 38' W Sikeston 36° 53' N 89° 36' W Sedalia--Whiteman AFB 38° 43' N 93° 33' W Sikeston 36° 53' N 89° 36' W Springfield AP 37° 14' N 93° 23' W MONTANA Billings AP 45° 48' N 108° 32' W Bozeman 45° 47' N 111° 9' W Butte AP 45° 57' N 112° 30' W Cut Bank AP 48° 37' N 112° 22' W Glasgow AP (S) 48° 25' N 106° 32' W Glendive 47° 8' N 104° 48' W Great Falls AP (S) 47° 29' N 111° 22' W Havre 48° 34' N 109° 40' W Helena AP 46° 36' N 112° 0' W Kalispell AP 48° 18' N 114° 16' W Lewiston AP 47° 4' N 109° 27' W Livingstown AP 45° 42' N 110° 26' W Miles City AP 46° 26' N 105° 52' W Missoula AP 46° 55' N 114° 5' W NEBRASKA Beatrice 40° 16' N 96° 45' W Chadron AP 42° 50' N 103° 5' W Columbus 41° 28' N 97° 20' W Fremont 41° 26' N 96° 29' W Grand Island AP 40° 59' N 98° 19' W Hastings 40° 36' N 98° 26' W Kearney 40° 44' N 99° 1' W Lincoln Co (S) 40° 51' N 96° 45' W McCook 40° 12' N 100° 38' W Norfolk 41° 59' N 97° 26' W North Platte AP (S) 41° 8' N 100° 41' W Omaha AP 41° 18' N 95° 54' W Scottsbluff AP 41° 52' N 103° 36' W Sidney AP 41° 13' N 103° 6' W NEVADA Carson City 39° 10' N 119° 46' W Elko AP 40° 50' N 115° 47' W Ely AP (S) 39° 17' N 114° 51' W Las Vegas AP (S) 36° 5' N 115° 10' W Lovelock AP 40° 4' N 118° 33' W Reno AP (S) 39° 30' N 119° 47' W Reno Co 39° 30' N 119° 47' W Tonopah AP 38° 4' N 117° 5' W Winnemucca AP 40° 54' N 117° 48' W NEW HAMPSHIRE Berlin 44° 3' N 71° 1' W Claremont 43° 2' N 72° 2' W Concord AP 43° 12' N 71° 30' W Keene 42° 55' N 72° 17' W Laconia 43° 3' N 71° 3' W Manchester, Grenier AFB 42° 56' N 71° 26' W Portsmouth, Pease AFB 43° 4' N 70° 49' W NEW JERSEY Atlantic City CO 39° 23' N 74° 26' W Long Branch 40° 19' N 74° 1' W Newark AP 40° 42' N 74° 10' W New Brunswick 40° 29' N 74° 26' W Paterson 40° 54' N 74° 9' W Phillipsburg 40° 41' N 75° 11' W Trenton Co 40° 13' N 74° 46' W Vineland 39° 29' N 75° 0' W NEW MEXICO Alamagordo° Holloman AFB 32° 51' N 106° 6' W Albuquerque AP (S) 35° 3' N 106° 37' W Artesia 32° 46' N 104° 23' W Carlsbad AP 32° 20' N 104° 16' W Clovis AP 34° 23' N 103° 19' W Farmington AP 36° 44' N 108° 14' W Gallup 35° 31' N 108° 47' W Grants 35° 10' N 107° 54' W Hobbs AP 32° 45' N 103° 13' W Las Cruces 32° 18' N 106° 55' W Los Alamos 35° 52' N 106° 19' W Raton AP 36° 45' N 104° 30' W Roswell, Walker AFB 33° 18' N 104° 32' W Santa Fe CO 35° 37' N 106° 5' W Silver City AP 32° 38' N 108° 10' W Socorro AP 34° 3' N 106° 53' W Tucumcari AP 35° 11' N 103° 36' W NEW YORK Albany AP (S) 42° 45' N 73° 48' W Albany Co 42° 39' N 73° 45' W Auburn 42° 54' N 76° 32' W Batavia 43° 0' N 78° 11' W Binghamton AP 42° 13' N 75° 59' W Buffalo AP 42° 56' N 78° 44' W Cortland 42° 36' N 76° 11' W Dunkirk 42° 29' N 79° 16' W Elmira AP 42° 10' N 76° 54' W Geneva (S) 42° 45' N 76° 54' W Glens Falls 43° 20' N 73° 37' W Gloversville 43° 2' N 74° 21' W Hornell 42° 21' N 77° 42' W Ithaca (S) 42° 27' N 76° 29' W Jamestown 42° 7' N 79° 14' W Kingston 41° 56' N 74° 0' W Lockport 43° 9' N 79° 15' W Massena AP 44° 56' N 74° 51' W Newburgh, Stewart AFB 41° 30' N 74° 6' W NYC-Central Park (S) 40° 47' N 73° 58' W NYC-Kennedy AP 40° 39' N 73° 47' W NYC-La Guardia AP 40° 46' N 73° 54' W Niagara Falls AP 43° 6' N 79° 57' W Olean 42° 14' N 78° 22' W Oneonta 42° 31' N 75° 4' W Oswego Co 43° 28' N 76° 33' W Plattsburg AFB 44° 39' N 73° 28' W Poughkeepsie 41° 38' N 73° 55' W Rochester AP 43° 7' N 77° 40' W Rome, Griffiss AFB 43° 14' N 75° 25' W Schenectady (S) 42° 51' N 73° 57' W Suffolk County AFB 40° 51' N 72° 38' W Syracuse AP 43° 7' N 76° 7' W Utica 43° 9' N 75° 23' W Watertown 43° 59' N 76° 1' W NORTH CAROLINA Asheville AP 35° 26' N 82° 32' W Charlotte AP 35° 13' N 80° 56' W Durham 35° 52' N 78° 47' W Elizabeth City AP 36° 16' N 76° 11' W Fayetteville, Pope AFB 35° 10' N 79° 1' W Goldsboro,Seymour-Johnson 35° 20' N 77° 58' W Greensboro AP (S) 36° 5' N 79° 57' W Greenville 35° 37' N 77° 25' W Henderson 36° 22' N 78° 25' W Hickory 35° 45' N 81° 23' W Jacksonville 34° 50' N 77° 37' W Lumberton 34° 37' N 79° 4' W New Bern AP 35° 5' N 77° 3' W Raleigh/Durham AP (S) 35° 52' N 78° 47' W Rocky Mount 35° 58' N 77° 48' W Wilmington AP 34° 16' N 77° 55' W Winston-Salem AP 36° 8' N 80° 13' W NORTH DAKOTA Bismarck AP (S) 46° 46' N 100° 45' W Devils Lake 48° 7' N 98° 54' W Dickinson AP 46° 48' N 102° 48' W Fargo AP 46° 54' N 96° 48' W Grand Forks AP 47° 57' N 97° 24' W Jamestown AP 46° 55' N 98° 41' W Minot AP 48° 25' N 101° 21' W Williston 48° 9' N 103° 35' W OHIO Akron-Canton AP 40° 55' N 81° 26' W Ashtabula 41° 51' N 80° 48' W Athens 39° 20' N 82° 6' W Bowling Green 41° 23' N 83° 38' W Cambridge 40° 4' N 81° 35' W Chillicothe 39° 21' N 83° 0' W Cincinnati Co 39° 9' N 84° 31' W Cleveland AP (S) 41° 24' N 81° 51' W Columbus AP (S) 40° 0' N 82° 53' W Dayton AP 39° 54' N 84° 13' W Defiance 41° 17' N 84° 23' W Findlay AP 41° 1' N 83° 40' W Fremont 41° 20' N 83° 7' W Hamilton 39° 24' N 84° 35' W Lancaster 39° 44' N 82° 38' W Lima 40° 42' N 84° 2' W Mansfield AP 40° 49' N 82° 31' W Marion 40° 36' N 83° 10' W Middletown 39° 31' N 84° 25' W Newark 40° 1' N 82° 28' W Norwalk 41° 16' N 82° 37' W Portsmouth 38° 45' N 82° 55' W Sandusky Co 41° 27' N 82° 43' W Springfield 39° 50' N 83° 50' W Steubenville 40° 23' N 80° 38' W Toledo AP 41° 36' N 83° 48' W Warren 41° 20' N 80° 51' W Wooster 40° 47' N 81° 55' W Youngstown AP 41° 16' N 80° 40' W Zanesville AP 39° 57' N 81° 54' W OKLAHOMA Ada 34° 47' N 96° 41' W Altus AFB 34° 39' N 99° 16' W Ardmore 34° 18' N 97° 1' W Bartlesville 36° 45' N 96° 0' W Chickasha 35° 3' N 97° 55' W Enid, Vance AFB 36° 21' N 97° 55' W Lawton AP 34° 34' N 98° 25' W McAlester 34° 50' N 95° 55' W Muskogee AP 35° 40' N 95° 22' W Norman 35° 15' N 97° 29' W Oklahoma City AP (S) 35° 24' N 97° 36' W Ponca City 36° 44' N 97° 6' W Seminole 35° 14' N 96° 40' W Stillwater (S) 36° 10' N 97° 5' W Tulsa AP 36° 12' N 95° 54' W Woodward 36° 36' N 99° 31' W OREGON Albany 44° 38' N 123° 7' W Astoria AP (S) 46° 9' N 123° 53' W Baker AP 44° 50' N 117° 49' W Bend 44° 4' N 121° 19' W Corvallis (S) 44° 30' N 123° 17' W Eugene AP 44° 7' N 123° 13' W Grants Pass 42° 26' N 123° 19' W Klamath Falls AP 42° 9' N 121° 44' W Medford AP (S) 42° 22' N 122° 52' W Pendleton AP 45° 41' N 118° 51' W Portland AP 45° 36' N 122° 36' W Portland Co 45° 32' N 122° 40' W Roseburg AP 43° 14' N 123° 22' W Salem AP 44° 55' N 123° 1' W The Dalles 45° 36' N 121° 12' W PENNSYLVANIA Allentown AP 40° 39' N 75° 26' W Altoona Co 40° 18' N 78° 19' W Butler 40° 52' N 79° 54' W Chambersburg 39° 56' N 77° 38' W Erie AP 42° 5' N 80° 11' W Harrisburg AP 40° 12' N 76° 46' W Johnstown 40° 19' N 78° 50' W Lancaster 40° 7' N 76° 18' W Meadville 41° 38' N 80° 10' W New Castle 41° 1' N 80° 22' W Philadelphia AP 39° 53' N 75° 15' W Pittsburgh AP 40° 30' N 80° 13' W Pittsburgh Co 40° 27' N 80° 0' W Reading Co 40° 20' N 75° 38' W Scranton/Wilkes-Barre 41° 20' N 75° 44' W State College (S) 40° 48' N 77° 52' W Sunbury 40° 53' N 76° 46' W Uniontown 39° 55' N 79° 43' W Warren 41° 51' N 79° 8' W West Chester 39° 58' N 75° 38' W Williamsport AP 41° 15' N 76° 55' W York 39° 55' N 76° 45' W RHODE ISLAND Newport (S) 41° 30' N 71° 20' W Providence AP 41° 44' N 71° 26' W SOUTH CAROLINA Anderson 34° 30' N 82° 43' W Charleston AFB (S) 32° 54' N 80° 2' W Charleston Co 32° 54' N 79° 58' W Columbia AP 33° 57' N 81° 7' W Florence AP 34° 11' N 79° 43' W Georgetown 33° 23' N 79° 17' W Greenville AP 34° 54' N 82° 13' W Greenwood 34° 10' N 82° 7' W Orangeburg 33° 30' N 80° 52' W Rock Hill 34° 59' N 80° 58' W Spartanburg AP 34° 58' N 82° 0' W Sumter, Shaw AFB 33° 54' N 80° 22' W SOUTH DAKOTA Aberdeen AP 45° 27' N 98° 26' W Brookings 44° 18' N 96° 48' W Huron AP 44° 23' N 98° 13' W Mitchell 43° 41' N 98° 1' W Pierre AP 44° 23' N 100° 17' W Rapid City AP (S) 44° 3' N 103° 4' W Sioux Falls AP 43° 34' N 96° 44' W Watertown AP 44° 55' N 97° 9' W Yankton 42° 55' N 97° 23' W TENNESSEE Athens 35° 26' N 84° 35' W Bristol-Tri City AP 36° 29' N 82° 24' W Chattanooga AP 35° 2' N 85° 12' W Clarksville 36° 33' N 87° 22' W Columbia 35° 38' N 87° 2' W Dyersburg 36° 1' N 89° 24' W Greenville 36° 4' N 82° 50' W Jackson AP 35° 36' N 88° 55' W Knoxville AP 35° 49' N 83° 59' W Memphis AP 35° 3' N 90° 0' W Murfreesboro 34° 55' N 86° 28' W Nashville AP (S) 36° 7' N 86° 41' W Tullahoma 35° 23' N 86° 5' W TEXAS Abilene AP 32° 25' N 99° 41' W Alice AP 27° 44' N 98° 2' W Amarillo AP 35° 14' N 100° 42' W Austin AP 30° 18' N 97° 42' W Bay City 29° 0' N 95° 58' W Beaumont 29° 57' N 94° 1' W Beeville 28° 22' N 97° 40' W Big Spring AP (S) 32° 18' N 101° 27' W Brownsville AP (S) 25° 54' N 97° 26' W Brownwood 31° 48' N 98° 57' W Bryan AP 30° 40' N 96° 33' W Corpus Christi AP 27° 46' N 97° 30' W Corsicana 32° 5' N 96° 28' W Dallas AP 32° 51' N 96° 51' W Del Rio, Laughlin AFB 29° 22' N 100° 47' W Denton 33° 12' N 97° 6' W Eagle Pass 28° 52' N 100° 32' W El Paso AP (S) 31° 48' N 106° 24' W Fort Worth AP (S) 32° 50' N 97° 3' W Galveston AP 29° 18' N 94° 48' W Greenville 33° 4' N 96° 3' W Harlingen 26° 14' N 97° 39' W Houston AP 29° 58' N 95° 21' W Houston Co 29° 59' N 95° 22' W Huntsville 30° 43' N 95° 33' W Killeen, Robert Gray AAF 31° 5' N 97° 41' W Lamesa 32° 42' N 101° 56' W Laredo AFB 27° 32' N 99° 27' W Longview 32° 28' N 94° 44' W Lubbock AP 33° 39' N 101° 49' W Lufkin AP 31° 25' N 94° 48' W Mcallen 26° 12' N 98° 13' W Midland AP (S) 31° 57' N 102° 11' W Mineral Wells AP 32° 47' N 98° 4' W Palestine Co 31° 47' N 95° 38' W Pampa 35° 32' N 100° 59' W Pecos 31° 25' N 103° 30' W Plainview 34° 11' N 101° 42' W Port Arthur AP 29° 57' N 94° 1' W San Angelo° Goodfellow AFB 31° 26' N 100° 24' W San Antonio AP (S) 29° 32' N 98° 28' W Sherman, Perrin AFB 33° 43' N 96° 40' W Snyder 32° 43' N 100° 55' W Temple 31° 6' N 97° 21' W Tyler AP 32° 21' N 95° 16' W Vernon 34° 10' N 99° 18' W Victoria AP 28° 51' N 96° 55' W Waco AP 31° 37' N 97° 13' W Wichita Falls AP 33° 58' N 98° 29' W UTAH Cedar City AP 37° 42' N 113° 6' W Logan 41° 45' N 111° 49' W Moab 38° 36' N 109° 36' W Ogden AP 41° 12' N 112° 1' W Price 39° 37' N 110° 50' W Provo 40° 13' N 111° 43' W Richfield 38° 46' N 112° 5' W St George Co 37° 2' N 113° 31' W Salt Lake City AP (S) 40° 46' N 111° 58' W Vernal AP 40° 27' N 109° 31' W VERMONT Barre 44° 12' N 72° 31' W Burlington AP (S) 44° 28' N 73° 9' W Rutland 43° 36' N 72° 58' W VIRGINIA Charlottesville 38° 2' N 78° 31' W Danville AP 36° 34' N 79° 20' W Fredericksburg 38° 18' N 77° 28' W Harrisonburg 38° 27' N 78° 54' W Lynchburg AP 37° 20' N 79° 12' W Norfolk AP 36° 54' N 76° 12' W Petersburg 37° 11' N 77° 31' W Richmond AP 37° 30' N 77° 20' W Roanoke AP 37° 19' N 79° 58' W Staunton 38° 16' N 78° 54' W Winchester 39° 12' N 78° 10' W WASHINGTON Aberdeen 46° 59' N 123° 49' W Bellingham AP 48° 48' N 122° 32' W Bremerton 47° 34' N 122° 40' W Ellensburg AP 47° 2' N 120° 31' W Everett, Paine AFB 47° 55' N 122° 17' W Kennewick 46° 13' N 119° 8' W Longview 46° 10' N 122° 56' W Moses Lake, Larson AFB 47° 12' N 119° 19' W Olympia AP 46° 58' N 122° 54' W Port Angeles 48° 7' N 123° 26' W Seattle-Boeing Field 47° 32' N 122° 18' W Seattle Co (S) 47° 39' N 122° 18' W Seattle-Tacoma AP (S) 47° 27' N 122° 18' W Spokane AP (S) 47° 38' N 117° 31' W Tacoma, McChord AFB 47° 15' N 122° 30' W Walla Walla AP 46° 6' N 118° 17' W Wenatchee 47° 25' N 120° 19' W Yakima AP 46° 34' N 120° 32' W WEST VIRGINIA Beckley 37° 47' N 81° 7' W Bluefield AP 37° 18' N 81° 13' W Charleston AP 38° 22' N 81° 36' W Clarksburg 39° 16' N 80° 21' W Elkins AP 38° 53' N 79° 51' W Huntington Co 38° 25' N 82° 30' W Martinsburg AP 39° 24' N 77° 59' W Morgantown AP 39° 39' N 79° 55' W Parkersburg Co 39° 16' N 81° 34' W Wheeling 40° 7' N 80° 42' W WISCONSIN Appleton 44° 15' N 88° 23' W Ashland 46° 34' N 90° 58' W Beloit 42° 30' N 89° 2' W Eau Claire AP 44° 52' N 91° 29' W Fond Du Lac 43° 48' N 88° 27' W Green Bay AP 44° 29' N 88° 8' W La Crosse AP 43° 52' N 91° 15' W Madison AP (S) 43° 8' N 89° 20' W Manitowoc 44° 6' N 87° 41' W Marinette 45° 6' N 87° 38' W Milwaukee AP 42° 57' N 87° 54' W Racine 42° 43' N 87° 51' W Sheboygan 43° 45' N 87° 43' W Stevens Point 44° 30' N 89° 34' W Waukesha 43° 1' N 88° 14' W Wausau AP 44° 55' N 89° 37' W WYOMING Casper AP 42° 55' N 106° 28' W Cheyenne 41° 9' N 104° 49' W Cody AP 44° 33' N 109° 4' W Evanston 41° 16' N 110° 57' W Lander AP (S) 42° 49' N 108° 44' W Laramie AP (S) 41° 19' N 105° 41' W Newcastle 43° 51' N 104° 13' W Rawlins 41° 48' N 107° 12' W Rock Springs AP 41° 36' N 109° 0' W Sheridan AP 44° 46' N 106° 58' W Torrington 42° 5' N 104° 13' W End USA Cities----------------------------------------- VENEZUELA Caracas 10° 30' N 66° 56' W Maracaibo 10° 39' N 71° 36' W VIETNAM Da Nang 16° 4' N 108° 13' E Hanoi 21° 2' N 105° 52' E Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) 10° 47' N 106° 42' E YUGOSLAVIA Belgrade 44° 48' N 20° 28' E ZAIRE Kinshasa (Leopoldville)4° 20' S 15° 18' E Kisangani (Stanleyville) 0° 26' S 15° 14' E